Churches come in all sizes––mini, medium, and mega. Despite the differences in size, however, all churches have one thing in common. In each there are hardworking people who are dedicated to keeping the wheels on the wagon. These servants of the Lord teach Sunday school, pay the church bills, rock babies in the nursery, cut the grass, lead small groups, keep and maintain the building, serve communion, drive the church bus, work with the youth, lead worship, and so much more. Some of these amazing individuals cover several functions at the same time.
If asked, most church workers would say they do what they do to ensure that the message of Christ goes forward and the needs of the parishioners are met. They might even point to Colossians 3:23 (NIV), which says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” But even though their work is “unto the Lord,” they richly deserve our gratefulness and appreciation.
Thanking those who bring so much to our church experience can be simple and heartfelt. Consider these tips:
1. Use your words. You might be surprised how powerful a simple “thank you for all you do” can be. Proverbs 25:11 (NLV) says, “A word spoken at the right time is like fruit of gold set in silver.” There are individuals in your church body who put together the bulletin, dust the pews, deliver the sermon, and take up the offering. Use your words to let them know how much you appreciate their hard work. Your words don’t have to be formal or flowery, every word in its place. Just open your mouth and let them flow from your heart.
2. Take action. Words are even more effective when they are backed up by actions. We read in 1 John 3:18 (NLV), “My children, let us not love with words or in talk only. Let us love by what we do and in truth.” To give your words even more punch, consider following up your “thank you” with a free, shareable Ecard or visiting our thank you section in search of an encouraging card or gift. Remember though, it’s not about how much you spend. A single flower from your garden or a small candy bar and a hug might well be just the encouragement your church secretary, childrens’ worker, or choir director needs.
3. Be there in prayer. Praying for someone, asking God to bless and keep them and meet their needs is the most valuable gift you can give to those who labor for the Lord in your congregation. Ephesians 6:18 (NIV) says, “Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Prayer adds a supernatural element to your words and actions. It invokes God’s richest provision, protection, and blessings. Praying for our church leaders also makes us more sensitive when they are experiencing discouragement or difficult times.
October is Ministry Appreciation Month. This is a special time to begin expressing our appreciation for the ministries God has placed in our churches to bless and edify us. It will surely please our Lord, though, when we remember His faithful servants all year long. Let’s open our ears to hear His voice as we look for ways to bless those who serve us on God’s behalf.