Customer Service 800-944-8000 8-5 CST

Submit an order

Take your time

Web Orders was designed to allow you walk away from the computer for a few minutes in the middle of creating an order. We understand you may need to wait on a customer or deal with an issue before finishing. The stability of your store's internet connection and others using the computer should be of course taken into consideration as well.

Click the Blue Place Order button when you are ready

When you have enough items on an order to meet your minimum dollar requirement, have reviewed your items and locations, and have added a PO if you need to, you are ready to place your order. *NEW NOV 14* If you are on a mobile device we recommend you move to a location that has the strongest signal strength before clicking Place Order.

*NEW FEB 16* 

You'll get a few more options

An additional window will pop up and may provide you with some options to choose a later ship date and choose if you'd like to pre-pay for the order. When you are happy with your choices click the Green Place Order button to finish.

We'll say Thank You!

You will see a Submitting your order message while we transmit it to DaySpring. And a Thank You message when we're done. Clicking on the OK button should close your ordering screen.

In the rare case that you get an error message when submitting

Please contact Customer Service through email ( or phone 1-800-944-8000. When emailing if you can provide a screenshot this is also helpful.